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Good morning Married Couples

Last week we started sharing some essentials that we ought to be investing into our marriages.

I trust you read them and asked yourself the question: how am I doing in those areas?

The challenge is NOT, did I read them, but rather am I applying them into my marriage?

Let me give you a few more this morning.

#4- Learn to  be Patience

This one's for ME, but also  you. If you are to have a successful marriage you better decide NOW that patience must be a major portion of your life as a married couple.

We are all wired a little differently and we must realize that in your everyday contact with your spouse. Know what their temperament is in this area. Some have a high tolerance for it, others a shorter fuse. Know your spouse.

#5- Forgiveness

This is one of the most common abuses that happen in marriages. We do forgive, but often do not speak it to each other and we let "TIME" be the agent we use to forgive. It is almost like sweeping dirt under the carpet---if will catch up to you. Address it properly and let it go and move on with life.

#6- TIME

You must invest time with your spouse. Next to God, they must be a priority, even more than your children. Some of you may disagree with me. Time cannot be bought back and once you get into a habit of spending little time with your spouse that will turn to MUCH TIME spent apart.

Most of my counseling with married couples boil down to too many distractions in their lives and guess what goes first. You got it---Time with each other.

Here is what I am asking you to do this week---Make a mental schedule so you can spend quality time with the one you could have enough time with before you got married. 

Let me know how you make out with this investment.

Much love,
Pastor G