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Good Saturday morning to you,

What a great few days we had in Lancaster, Pa. this week. As you may have known, some 60 plus people from the church went to see the show "DANIEL". What a powerful show it was. We all left in AWE of the goodness of God over his people portrayed in the show and revealed in scripture.

As we viewed the unfolding of God's grace over the Israelites I also realized the goodness of God over each of our lives. His favor and mercy is unending.

The Bible story of Daniel reveals the uncompromising lifestyle of Daniel and his 3 friends. In each case the faithfulness of God was revealed and they were not only set free, but they were promoted even in an ungodly nation. 

You may work or live in an area where there are few if any believers in God. That does not change God at all. God is there. You and I are the caytolis for that situation to change. Here is what I believe to be forever true. 

-God is always in charge no matter what things look like.

-God wants to use you to help change the lives of those needing the change.

-As you remain faithful to God, he will protect you and raise you to the next level.

-You will be elevated to places where you now can make a difference in the lives of others and glorify God.

***Re-read the book of Daniel and keep these few truths in mind as you read it. There are many more truths in this story, and I am sure you will find them.

Blessings to you.

See you tomorrow as we look at Ps. 150:1-6.

Much love,

Pastor G

***Why not start planning to join us next year (Lord willing) in Lancaster as we see come to life another great Bible story.