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Good Saturday morning.....

This past Tuesday morning I had the joy of teaching class at the Manna ministry Bible study.

We talked about ---"When you are going through a Trial what do you need most of all"?

We received many different answers to that question which were good but incomplete. What we really need is WISDOM from God to deal with that issue at hand.

Now we all have trials and tests, but how have you dealt with them lately? There are extremes in how people deal with trials from bitterness, complaining, to resisting. The other side is to just do nothing. 

We live in a fallen world that brings a lot of trials our way. Read John 16:33 and see what Jesus says about this issue.

As hard as it is to  accept it---trials are for our own benefit. James 1:2 tells us to "consider trials as "all joy". That's hard pill to swallow. Understand that trials are the way God has to test our faith, our strength, without them we would not see the growth in our walk with the Lord. Also God has designed that no trial in your life has more power in it that you cannot handle. God already knows the issue that is coming at you, you can have victory over it. That's His Promise.

Read 1 Cor 10:13 and meditate on it for a while and see how it applies to your life.

I am sure you have often heard what I have just written down, but too often we respond to situations in a way that is not in line with God's word.

My challenge to all of us is this:

* Know that we will all faces trials
*You decide how you will respond to each of them
* The promise of God is victory, if you take his way out.
* Your victory over any trial may be an opportunity to witness and bless the life of others who are going through similar things.
* Your faith will be strengthened in getting through your trial.

Read 1 Peter 4:12.

Much love to you all.
Pastor G

For tomorrow's message read Acts 20:17-24